Milk and Honey
We’re so fortunate to live, work and play in a region that is known not just for spectacular scenery, amazing beaches and high sunshine hours; but that also has a (growing) reputation as a foodies heaven!
One of our sweetest natural food resources as a region and as a country is honey!
We believe, and we’re not alone, that milk and honey complement each other perfectly. These precious ingredients work together to deliver a delicious hit of goodness whether you choose to drink a glass last thing at night or first thing in the morning.
The Milk & Honey Recipe:
1 cup Oaklands Farm Fresh milk
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat gently over low heat. Stir for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool to taste.
The Benefits!
In the evening – Honey and milk have both been traditionally used as individual remedies for insomnia, so it stands to reason that mixed together you should be in for a good night’s sleep. Milk has a high calcium content, which sleep experts claim can help you relax but it’s also rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps in the production of the sleep inducing brain chemicals, serotonin and melatonin. Honey is one of the rare sugary foods that causes a controlled increase in the amount of insulin being secreted, which also promotes tryptophan to be released into the brain.
In the morning – This delicious concoction works in reverse and serves as an energy booster! Milk provides protein, whilst honey, a good source of carbohydrates helps boost your metabolism.