Oaklands Milk Deliveries
Oakland’s are proud to offer deliveries to businesses in the region, now you’ll never run out of milk in the fridge.
To Enquire Email - office@oaklandsmilk.co.nz
You can email homedeliveries@oaklandsmilk.co.nz with your amendments (don’t forget to tell us your customer number). Order changes must be in by 3pm the day before. If you have a Monday order change it must be sent through by Friday 3pm.
Office hours – Monday – Friday 8.30am-4.30pm (Not open on public holidays)
We ask that you rinse the bottles with warm water (doesn’t need to be soapy) to remove all excess milk & leave the lids off - that will help us a lot come time to wash the bottles. We also ask that you leave your empties outside of your chilly bin or container so our drivers can put the fresh milk straight in.
Due to food safety guidelines, we are unable to re-use our bottle lids. But don’t worry, the lids are still recycled. All the lids we collect are picked up by a metal recycling business who recycle the lids into other products.
We at Oaklands Milk have consciously chosen not to feed or use PKE in our operation as a supplementary feed.